Make a Difference

ā€œRemember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.ā€
— James 4:17 NLT

In James 4:17, we are reminded that it is a sin to have knowledge of what we ought to do and yet choose not to do it. This verse serves as a powerful reminder of our responsibility to live in accordance with God's will. It highlights the importance of not only gaining wisdom and understanding but also actively applying it to our lives. Ignoring or neglecting the knowledge we have about what is right can lead us down a destructive path and hinder our spiritual growth. Let us strive to consistently align our actions with our beliefs, for it is through obedience that we demonstrate our love for God and honor our commitment to follow His ways.

It is easy to point out the sins of others, especially those blatantly living immoral lives. However, look carefully at yourself. How many times have you neglected to do what is good because it didn't fit into your neat little plans? Are you that neighbor who crosses the street to avoid helping out a neighbor in distress? Jesus commended the good Samaritan for being a good neighbor to a total stranger. We are the Lord's ambassadors, His representatives here. Will you let selfishness blacken His good name? Let the Holy Spirit fill you with the compassion needed to make a difference!


He Lights Your Way

