Stop Losing the Plot
In Matthew 6:7-8, Jesus cautions against mindless and repetitive prayers, stressing the importance of purposeful and meaningful communication with God. This passage serves as a call to break away from empty ritualistic practices in favor of sincere and heartfelt prayer. God desires a genuine relationship with His children, and prayer provides that personal connection. Jesus spent considerable time in prayer with the Father while He walked the Earth as a mortal man and taught His disciples how to pray effectively. Babbling on and on with empty words does not increase intimacy. It actually keeps us at a distance from experiencing God's true presence. By engaging in deliberate and meaningful prayer, we open ourselves to a deeper connection with the Father who already knows our hearts. Jesus reminds us that our Heavenly Father knows exactly what we need even before we ask Him. Knowing that God knows what we need should encourage us to come to Him honestly, trusting His faithfulness. When we allow ourselves to truly be vulnerable, pouring out our hearts earnestly before God by expressing our deepest fears, hopes, and dreams, we open ourselves to a deeper relationship with Him. Prayer is an exercise of faith, a demonstration of our belief that God hears our petitions and cares about our wellbeing.
If your prayer can be said in one or two sentences, why do you continue praying on and on as though more words would add more weight? Because most of us were taught to be ashamed of short prayers! In truth, we should be ashamed of the rambling, repetitious, meaningless words that pad our prayers when we pray in the presence of others. Let’s be honest, it is hard to pray in agreement when the person leading the prayer has lost the plot and you find yourself fighting sleep or praying that the torture end. You know the kind of prayers I’m talking about where everything and the kitchen sink are thrown in for good measure before they start questioning if what we’re praying about is even in God’s will. What kind of prayer of faith is that?! Our Father is not moved by our lengthiness or attempts to add an escape clause just in case what we prayed don’t come true. He is moved by our faith in Him! Follow the prayer example our Lord Jesus taught us, and let the Holy Spirit guide you in praying focused and effective prayers.