Don't Leave Love Out
“Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love.”
In Paul's first letter to the Corinthians, he emphasized the importance of being on guard, standing firm in the faith, being courageous, and strong, while always acting with love. These instructions, from 1 Corinthians 16:13-14, are true for all Christians, no matter what era they live in. As believers, we must understand that the world we inhabit is filled with spiritual perils and temptations. We need to be on guard in this spiritual battle, recognizing the presence of evil forces seeking to undermine our faith and lead us astray. In a world that constantly challenges and questions our faith, it is vital that we stand firm without wavering. The firm foundation of our faith is Jesus Christ Himself. Living out our faith requires courage and strength. As believers, we will inevitably face trials, temptations, and opposition. Our assurance of salvation and dependence on the Holy Spirit should give us the strength and boldness to face these challenges head-on, bringing glory to His name. Above all else, demonstrating love in all our actions, words, and thoughts, we reflect the nature of God Himself. A love-driven life breaks down barriers, heals wounds, and draws people closer to the Lord.
Years ago I used to pass by a street evangelist who would preach in the subway station I used to get home. He made me cringe. If I, as a believer, recoiled from his message, what did unbelievers do? Fire and brimstone Christianity leaves out love and whips its target with condemnation and rejection. We get angry with non-believers for not living up to biblical principles and make them feel as though they aren’t good enough to enter our church doors. Have we learned nothing?! It wasn’t the sinner that Jesus got angry with. He berated the Pharisees brutally for their hypocrisy and their self-righteous oppression of others. We are to be on guard against wolves in sheep's clothing, firm in our beliefs, courageous in the face of opposition, strong under pressure, and, most of all, loving in all that we do. Jesus embraced the marginalized, loving them to the point that their stony hearts melted. Share the love of Jesus, instead of your judgmental attitude, and let the Holy Spirit transform the wayward hearts you're praying for.