Good Works Follow
“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”
As a child I thought that my behavior was put on a scale by God. I think I got that idea from cartoons or something. So many of us think this even as adults. We try to do good works to earn our salvation but that is actually backwards. Good works follow salvation as we learn about the God who saved us and desire to please and obey Him. What is so wonderful about this is that He doesn't expect for us to do this on our own or in our own strength. His Spirit works within us, teaching us about what pleases Him. The more we learn and obey His guidance, the more we grow like Jesus. Don't continue to stumble about trying to please God in your own understanding. Let the Holy Spirit through His gentle urgings show you and empower you to do His good will.
In Philippians 2:13, the apostle Paul reminds us that God is actively working within us, equipping us with both the desire and the power to do what pleases Him. One of the most common challenges we face as believers is the struggle to live according to God's will. We often find ourselves wrestling with our own desires and facing the temptations of the world, which frequently keeps us from living a life that is pleasing to God. However, as we surrender ourselves to Him, God plants within us a longing to pursue righteousness, holiness, and obedience. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our desires are transformed, and we begin to desire what God desires.
What an amazing assurance it is to know that the very desires we carry within us are not simply our own, but they are divinely infused by God Himself. Our desire to serve, to worship, to love unconditionally, or to share the Gospel, is not simply emotionalism but the handiwork of God actively stirring our hearts towards His purpose.
Yet, desire alone is not enough. We need power – the ability to overcome obstacles and to withstand the trials and temptations that seek to derail us from God's path. The power that God gives us is the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. When we invite God into our lives and surrender our will to Him, His power becomes our power. With His strength, we can overcome sin, resist temptation, and stand firm in the face of adversity. It is through His power that we are able to live out His purpose, to bear fruit that glorifies Him, and to impact the world around us.