God is Not Fooled
“Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues.”
Sin has no spin doctor! Immoral behavior cannot be dressed up by clever words enough to be brought into the presence of the King. Filthy rags still stink! When the prophet Nathan confronted David about his sins of murder and adultery, David wisely held his tongue and sought God's forgiveness. God is not fooled by your many excuses. He knows your heart! Don't double down when you're in the wrong. The only fake news are the lies pouring from your lips, smearing your crap over everything! It's not too late! The Blood of Jesus covers it all! Humble yourself before the Lord and find forgiveness. Let the Holy Spirit restore your relationship or transform you through Jesus into a child of the King!
In our fast-paced and opinion-driven society, we find ourselves surrounded by a flood of words. Social media, news platforms, and everyday conversations drown us in a constant stream of information and commentary. Proverbs 10:19 NIV lends us some words of wisdom amongst this overwhelming chatter: “sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues”. Having the last word isn’t quite as satisfying as one might think. It doesn’t necessarily prove our point or assert our superiority over others. It often makes the conflict worse or highlights the sin we’re trying to cover up. The less you say, the better. It gives you a chance to consider the potential consequences and the impact your words may have on others. More importantly, as followers of Christ, we are called to be salt and light in this world. We are commissioned to bring healing, reconciliation, and love into the brokenness that surrounds us. If we are constantly caught up in futile arguments and divisive conversations, how are we helping? Let us learn to hold our tongues, to listen and strive to understand. Not only do we help create an environment of respect and empathy, we leave our hearts open to the leading of the Holy Spirit, seeking His guidance in choosing words and actions wisely. Remember, our ultimate goal is not to win arguments or prove ourselves right, but to represent Christ and His love.