But Did You Listen

Jonah and the Whale - AI generated by Lady V

But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like.
— James 1:22‭-‬24 NLT

In James 1:22-24, we are reminded of the importance of not only listening to God's word but also putting it into action. It is not enough to hear His teachings and understand them intellectually; we must actively apply them to our lives. If we only listen and fail to obey, it is as though we are looking at ourselves in a mirror but quickly forgetting our reflection. By disregarding God's instructions and failing to implement them, we deceive ourselves. To truly honor God and experience the transformative power of His word, we must wholeheartedly live out His teachings, allowing them to shape our thoughts, actions, and character.

"Why didn't you listen to me?" We could be rich right now if we got paid every time we said this or a variation of it. Of course, the reality is that they did listen before choosing to do their own thing. As believers, God's word is our road map, user's manual, etc. We hear sermons explaining and exhorting us to live by God's word, and say "amen". Yet, how much of it went in one ear and out the other as evidenced in our daily lives? How much of our lives is lived in the belly of a whale because of our disobedience? Look in the mirror. Who do you blame for missed opportunities and current circumstances? Did YOU listen?! It's not too late. Start listening today. Be obedient, and let the Holy Spirit chart a more fruitful, whale-free, course for your life.


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