Letting Go

When Shift’s Over - AI-generated image by Lady V

Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.’
— Matthew 11:28 NLT

In a world filled with endless demands, expectations, and burdens, we all yearn for a place of rest. We long for relief from the weariness that steals into our souls, weighing us down with our heavy burdens. In Matthew 11:28 NLT, Jesus calls to us, saying "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest". Regardless of the burdens we bear, Jesus extends his hand to each and every one of us, promising rest and relief. His promise of rest is not just for the moment, but is an enduring source of strength and renewal, a rest that goes beyond physical and mental rejuvenation. It is a rest that reaches deep into our innermost being, soothing our weary souls and granting us peace in the midst of life's storms. Jesus' invitation comes from his intimate knowledge and understanding of our burdens. He knows the weight we carry, the struggles we face, and the fatigue that settles in our hearts. While the world may sometimes judge us or demand more from us, Jesus offers a safe place where we are fully known and deeply loved.

Letting go of burdens can be so hard, no matter how exhausted and drained they make us. And, then, if you're like me, you pick up other people's burdens. The Lord has reminded me on numerous occasions that my part isn't to necessarily fix things but to bring those burdens to Him in prayer. He loves us and wants us to trust Him with all our concerns, knowing that He will work all things out for our good. Let the Holy Spirit help you let go of your burdens and give you rest and peace for your weary soul.


Honor to His Name


God's Masterpiece