But When I'm Afraid

When I Am Afraid - AI generated by Lady V

But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you.
— Psalms 56:3 NLT

In a world filled with uncertainty, fear can often consume us. Whether it be personal struggles, global crises, or the unknown future that lies ahead, fear can paralyze us and prevent us from living life to its fullest. Psalms 56:3 reminds us that placing our trust in God when fear grips our hearts eases this distress. Trusting God enables us to relinquish control and surrender our fears into His capable hands, allowing us to experience the soothing balm of His presence amidst life's uncertainties. When we choose to trust in God, we declare that fear has no claim on our lives. Trust erodes fear's power and weakens its hold over us. It empowers us to confront challenges head-on, knowing that the One we trust is greater than anything that comes against us. When we choose to trust God, we are inspired to step out of our comfort zones, face our fears, and fulfill the purpose for which we are called. Trusting in God's promises fuels our courage to persevere, pursue our dreams, and make a positive impact in the world.

I have never been afraid in my life. Yeah right! Putting on a brave front accomplishes nothing. Being foolish, can get you dead! Let's be honest. There are seen and unseen things lurking at every turn that would scare any sane person. But when I am afraid, I put my trust in the Almighty! Brave fronts have nothing to back them but our knocking knees. When we call on Him, our God surrounds us with His Presence and His promises! Search His Word for His promises and commune with Him regularly to recognize His awesome Presence! He has not left us to face life's terrors alone. The Holy Spirit has made a home within each believer! Entrust your wellbeing with Him, and let the Holy Spirit light up the darkened path.


The Same Spirit


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