Let the Holy Spirit

Spirit Driven

Living a Spirit-Driven Life

At Let the Holy Spirit, we believe in the power of living a Spirit-driven life. We aim to support fellow Christians on this transformative journey through devotionals inspired by Scripture, an exploration of the Person and Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and a text message prayer line.

Cross, Lake, Sunset (Image by Jeff Jacobs from Pixabay)

Spirit Driven Devotionals

Our devotionals provide a dose of inspiration and guidance, helping subscribers connect with the Holy Spirit on a deeper level. Each devotional takes a Spirit driven look at Scripture verses, illuminating the wisdom and guidance found in God's Word. These devotionals serve as a spiritual compass, encouraging you to let the Holy Spirit empower and guide you through life's challenges and uncertainties.

Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Understanding the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is crucial in living a Spirit-driven life. Let the Holy Spirit explains this powerful experience, shedding light on the immense blessings it brings to one's spiritual journey. We delve into Scripture to explore the transformative purpose and potential of the Holy Spirit's baptism.

Through these teachings, subscribers gain a clearer understanding of how the Holy Spirit plays an active role in their lives, empowering and equipping them for divine purposes.

Mosaic (Image by Holger Schué from Pixabay)

Prayer Line

Click the Prayer Requests button on the right side of your screen from anywhere on the site to request prayer.

Additionally, Let the Holy Spirit offers a dedicated text message prayer line. We understand that prayer is an essential element of a Spirit-filled life, and we strive to provide a convenient and accessible way for subscribers to seek prayer support.

At Let the Holy Spirit, your prayer request is of utmost importance to us. When you submit your prayer requests, they are delivered directly to Lady V, who attends to each request with unwavering urgency and confidentiality. Your personal information is strictly safeguarded, and Lady V ensures that none of it is shared with her prayer supporters. Rest assured that your prayer request will be handled with the utmost respect and care, allowing you to find solace in the knowledge that your needs are being lifted in prayer by this dedicated ministry.

Make a contribution.

If you have been blessed by Let the Holy Spirit, please consider giving a contribution to offset the cost of maintaining the site. Thank you and God bless!

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